Template meta-programming

Template meta-programming can be a very interesting, complicated topic (anything “meta” is very interesting, after all). We’ll keep it very simple in this class.

The idea behind template meta-programming is that we want to use a special language on top of C++ that generates C++ code. This “template meta-language” is itself a full programming language, but we’ll just use the simplest pieces. Our use of template meta-programming will be limited to generating classes and functions that work on any type of object.

Generic linked lists

Think back to our linked lists. Let’s say we have a linked list class:

class LinkedList
    struct node
        double value;
        node *pnext;

    node *head;

    void insert_front(double value);
    void push_back(double value);
    int length();
    void reverse();
    double nth(int n);
    void print();

// etc...

Assuming that LinkedList class was fully implemented, we would be able to do things like this:

int main()
    LinkedList mylist;


    // etc...

But this is quite unfortunate! That linked list class only stores double values. There are more things in heaven and earth than can be represented as double values. (Well, not really, since representations don’t matter, theoretically. But in practice, they do.)

We want to create a single linked list class that can store any (single) type of value. We will not have the option to create a linked list that can store varying types of values (e.g. a linked list with strings, doubles, ints, and so on all in the same list will not be possible). But, it would be nice to write one linked list class that can store strings, or in another instance integers, or whatever. Template meta-programming allows us to do this.

Creating a templated class

All you have to change about the linked list class above in order to support making a linked list with a (single) arbitrary type is the following:

template <typename T> // T can be anything, e.g. foo
class LinkedList
    struct node
        T value; // not double, T!
        node *pnext;

    node *head;

    void insert_front(T value); // T!
    void push_back(T value); // T!
    int length();
    void reverse();
    T nth(int n); // T!
    void print();

template<typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::insert_front(T value)
    node *n = new node;
    n->value = value;
    n->pnext = head;
    head = n;

// etc...

Now, to use such a “generic linked list,” when we create a LinkedList object in the main() function we have to say what type we’re using (T will become whatever that type is).

int main()
    LinkedList<double> mylist;


    // etc...

Ok, that’s still double values in our linked list. Let’s put strings inside instead:

int main()
    LinkedList<string> mylist;


    // etc...

The linked list that stores string values is the same class as above. We can create two linked lists storing different types of values, if we wish:

int main()
    LinkedList<string> words;
    LinkedList<int> frequencies;


    // etc...

That feeling of elation that you must have is the feeling of freeing yourself from strong typing. You didn’t really free yourself; the types are all still there (double, string, etc.). But it’s close enough (we don’t need much to be thrilled).


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