Example of a C++ Class

The class Complex is a class of complex numbers.

class Complex
		double r;
		double i;

	Complex(double, double);
	Complex(double );

	Complex add(Complex&);

	Complex operator+ (Complex&);
	Complex operator- (Complex&);
	Complex operator* (Complex&);
	Complex operator/ (Complex&);
	Complex operator/ (double);

	Complex conj();
	double  norm();
	void    print();


The class has two attributes r and i, the real and imaginary parts of the complex number. It has three constructors and member functions add, conj, norm and print. It also overloads the operators +,-,* and \/.

The definition of the class is split into two files. Another file calls the program.

complex.h : Contains the declaration of the Complex class

complex.cpp : Contains definitions of the functions belonging to class Complex

main.cpp : Contains main() function that uses the Complex class

To compile the program complex_main_cpp, all the files need to be put together under the same project in Visual Studio/CodeBlocks/Xcode/Eclipse.

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